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About Us

Exclusive Group Tours and Safaris--EGTS, started its operations early 2013 as a Start-Up initiative which was to offer Tour and Safari to Tanzania's most admired destinations. The focus was to offer budgeted Safari and beach holidays to local youths in Universities and Secondary Schools, Volunteers and backpackers. It was the only formal operation which provided a life time experience to Local and Non-local youths while complimenting the youth spirit of learning, exploring, travelling and cultural exchange.


The Story Continues,


After organizing a successful Safari for 45 Students from Two Universities visiting Ngorongoro Crater, Tagangire National Park and Kilimanjaro National Parks the demand for such a particular service grew and it was not long before another Safari for 56 Student from a Local high school to visit even more destinations was organized successfully.


Currently EGTS offers service not only to local students but to Young tourists with a long dream of exploring the beauty of Tanzania. Custom made safaris such as lodge based, honeymoon packages, camping packages, mountain climbing and corporate team building have entered our diverse bucket of offered tours and safaris.


We are proud to offer a reliable and quality experience affordably without compromising the quality.




Tuzo Desdery(R) and Jonas Wanna(L) are Economics graduates who shares a common interest of making a difference in the community,  travelling, learning new cultures, putting smiles on people’s faces and enjoying a good barbecue . Tuzo handles Marketing, Sales and special projects while Jonas handles overall Operational activities.







Robson Urasa


Rob is the man behind our growing safari fame, He is a professional Certified Guide and A Mechanic, this is the perfect combination of a Safari Expert you need when you are exploring the Wilderness of Tanzania. Through out his 8+ years career Rob has travelled Hundred and Thousands of Kilometers of Tanzanian Bush, Meeting guests from more than 40 different Nationality.


Follow Rob on Facebook to see amazing Photos He takes while satisfying your Safari curiosity.



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